Emotional trauma: loss and grief, disappointment and resentment, divorce, separation, betrayal, other traumas;
Addictions: emotional, "love" addiction, chemical addictions (nicotine, alcohol addiction, drug addiction), gambling addiction, overeating, Internet addiction, computer games addiction and others
Acute personality problems
does not require pre-configuration of the patient;
occurs almost in a state of biofeedback with patients;
allows you to work successfully with patients who find it difficult to explain their feelings in words;
makes it possible to work with the problem without disclosing the specific content of the facts with which the patient's experiences are associated;
enables the therapist to visibly participate in the processes of restoring the patient's adaptive potential, to feel himself involved in the recovery processes;
an integrated approach to solving problems, which implies the use, if necessary, of medicines, elements of manual therapy, massage, etc. in addition to the work of a therapist
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